Whe -

The non-profit socially focused organization Charity Foundation for the support of preservation and development of traditional arts and the crafts "Miras". Established in October and zaregistirirovan in November 2012 as an independent, non-religious, non-political organization. 

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What whe doing

Mission: Maintain and multiply the heritage of their ancestors. 

The activities of the fund is to collect funds for the establishment of the Center of preservation and development of traditional arts and crafts, targeted assistance to craftsmen, art groups, educational institutions, engaged in traditional crafts and trades.   


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27 August 2013
Everyone, everyone, everyone!


Continue the legacy of ancestors! 


Payment: Donation according to st.582 Civil Code for statutory activities. No tax (VAT) R / c 40703810300000000064 in OJSC "JSCB" Tatfondbank "in Ufa BIC 049205815 c / a 30101810100000000815 in GRKC NB RT standardized receipt
 The Fund in the shops number 410011661397335 You can transfer money from your computer or from your account on your phone. Details about the rules of the transfer of funds. Better than any words of gratitude to the caring and responsive - a smile of people for whom participation in their lives - perhaps the only chance to rectify the situation, to help make it worthy of the calling of a creative person, or to return to a normal life.

Together we are helping those in need. With your help, we are changing lives for the better!

Our masters portfolio
Need urgent help

For reprints bibliographic rarity - books A.G.Yanbuhtina "Folk traditions in the decoration of the Bashkir home" (Ufa. "Kitap." 1993. S. 132)to 200 thousand rubles. The book first discusses specific types of dwellings Bashkirs with art - aesthetic positions in the organization and decoration of interiors, historical traditions in the centuries-old national way of life: from semi-nomadic to sedentary, starting with HIHv. The subject of the study - an austere interior of the Bashkir farmhouse, transformed, with the help of traditional items of furniture in the space of aesthetic. Traditional products voylokovalyaniya - felts, a wide variety of home weaving, handmade embroidered originproducts in various media, as well as the skill of wood carving are, together with oral - poetry, folk music, the basis of the national artistic heritage of the Bashkir people
A.Yanbuhtinoy monographic publication, on sale, sold out instantly. The book became a great educational tool for students, graduate students, researchers, and all those who are interested in ethnography and culture of the peoples of Russia.

©2012 — 2024, The non-profit socially focused organization Charity Foundation for the support of preservation and development of traditional arts and the crafts "Miras"
Developed by Renua
Тел.: +7(917)353-87-21; +7(917)409-31-47 K.Marks st. 32, Ufa city; info@fondmiras.ru